반응형 사이트제작1 [참고]디자이너 & 개발자 포트폴리오사이트 참고 참고할 만한 보기좋은 포트폴리오사이트 입니다. http://www.garysheng.com/ I'm Gary Sheng Google engineer / Duke and IMSA alumnus / Co-founder of Dancing Pineapple / Justice-seeking activist. Music, design, people & technology are core to all my personal and professional ambitions. www.garysheng.com http://findmatthew.com/ http://findmatthew.com/ !Awake: This is Your Brain on Caffeine MARCH 19, 2015 If there's one thi.. 2022. 4. 5. 이전 1 다음 반응형